June 10, 2009

Does Misery Love Company?

How many times a day does someone ask you how you are? It's a simple question, at the teller window, at the office, maybe your mother asks. Yet, do they really want to know? Even if they do, why do I always lie?

No matter what's going on in my life, I feel compelled to say "fine" or " great". Inside however, I'm screaming... today sucks! I haven't eaten, my son had three melt downs before noon, my car isn't running right and my dog is dying.

Now I know, no one really wants to hear that and I'm probably just a tad overwrought at the moment, but boy would I really like to answer that question without thinking first. Of course, I won't because I can never know what the other person is screaming inside. Then again, they say misery loves company, so maybe if I did answer truthfully, we could all just have a good cry.

1 comment:

Frogs in my formula said...

I know exactly what you mean. My office building is made up of long corridors so there are a million "how are yous" a day. Once, I was having a bad day and answered the question honestly. The person couldn't have cared less! Hope your day gets better.

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