December 07, 2009

No More Grandma Elf

Some of you may have seen the Grandma Elf video I posted on the weekend. It was one of the Elf Yourself videos you can make. I made one with my mother's face on the disco dancing elf, and I thought it was cute. She however did not. She does not have Internet or understand blogs (she's 82) so I showed it to her when she was at my house this weekend, plus the one I made with the kittens.

I really thought she would laugh at herself dancing to disco in an elf suit. Boy was I wrong! She called me today and told me she didn't appreciate being made fun of and that the video was obscene and offensive. I was floored, I don't get it! I didn't put her head on a stripper, it's an elf for crying out loud. I was trying to include her in our holiday fun. I have one of my son doing the same dance. So I deleted it today.

Maybe she was afraid my many, many readers (three, I believe) were laughing at her. I never think of her as being from such a different generation than I, but I guess she really is. I saved a copy just for me and my son, because he thought Grandma made a cool elf, too bad she didn't think of it that way. Hope I didn't offend any other grandma's out there.

1 comment:

Vixen said...

Don't worry too much about it. Some people find the strangest things offensive. Surely she knows in her heart you weren't trying to hurt her.

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