April 10, 2009

Elusive Sleep

One of the most difficult things I've dealt with so far, is the changes in my sleep pattern.
I have always been a somewhat light sleeper except when I was pregnant. I remember getting a really good night's rest while I was carrying my son and then of course for about six months or so I was up a lot until he slept through the night.

However in the last few years I've changed from light sleeping to fitful sleeping. My night is spent dropping off into periods of deep sleep followed by nightmares and waking in a cold sweat. I may wake up four or five time a night. After waking in order to comfort myself, I sometimes wander into the kitchen and start eating (usually ice cream or cookies) in the middle of the night. By morning, I'm cranky and sometimes nauseous until after my coffee.

Needless to say this is not the way I want to start my day! I have tried taking melatonin before bed and this seemed to help for a while, a glass of wine helps too. Because I'm alone in the house with a four year old, I'm afraid to take medication for fear I will be too sedated and not hear him if he needs me.

The one thing I think might help is to get more exercise. As soon as I get a new pair of walking shoes, I intend to start an evening walk now that my son is old enough to join me. It will be good for him as well.

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