July 07, 2010

Finishing Sentences

Menopausal hormone fluctuations have turned me into a blithering idiot! I can't seem to finish a sentence without saying things like "you know what I mean right?" or "what's that word". I mean, I'm an intelligent woman who seems to have mysteriously lost the ability to communicate her thoughts.

I knew memory loss was a menopause symptom but I didn't realize that becoming incoherent was one as well. There are days where I'm almost stuttering to get my words out. There does seem to be an upside to this however, writing comes much easier now. The words and stories floating around in my head are endless. Writing is now the only way to get them out.

Since I also have almost no people skills anyway, it's best I don't try to speak. The dogs, cats and my son have always looked at me like I was crazy when I spoke, so nothing has changed there.
Perhaps when menopause has passed and I'm an old woman, my speech will return to normal and I can become the eccentric storyteller I was meant to be!


Jaffer said...

LOL - it must be your imagination - Happens to me too - even if I will never ever be menopausal.

Here's an entertaining blog post for your reading pleasure: http://beetle-blog.com/garden-conversations-and-grey-cells/

PussDaddy said...

Hmmm. Sometimes I reach for the simplest word and can't find it, so I wonder if this is what is wrong with me too?


DJ said...

@Jaffer: I wish that were true. Thanks for the link.
@PussDaddy: Well it's that or we are both having mini-strokes. I prefer to believe it's part of menopause!

MYM said...

Ohhh I can so relate. I was trying to think of the word bookshelf the other day and I was all "you know, the big wooden thingy...holds the books?"

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