September 26, 2010

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Jamie Lee Curtis
I now know why so many 50 plus women cut their hair off short. Between the hot flashes and the strands falling out all over the floor, it does seem like a wise choice. I have always thought short hair look so freeing on women, like they are simplifying their lives and it's their own choice.

I think Jamie Lee Curtis looks so happy and comfortable with her look now and I wonder if it's time for my long locks to go. My hair is very thick, wavy and dark brown, speckled with an ever increasing amount of grey. It served me well in my youth and even in early motherhood. It made me feel like a young mother even though I was not.

Now however, I really have no time to keep up with it and a short cut seems so much more practical. I only wish we could all look as great as Jamie Lee, but alas I do not have her cheek bones. So I am now searching for ideas for a short cut that would work with an oval face and thick, slightly wavy hair.

It's time, the constant pony tail is getting old. The only thing that will be a drag, is having to get a regular trim to keep it up. I have not had a professional hair cut in about 15 years. I really feel like a makeover, all suggestions are welcome.


Vixen said...

She looks so fantastic with her short hair that it inspired me (some time ago) to cut mine that short. Apparently I do not have the cheek bones for it either.

good luck making a decision!

Unknown said...

"Baggage and Bones" has been included in this weeks A Sunday Drive. I hope this helps to attract even more new visitors here.

DJ said...

@Vixen: It was so sad to hear of her father's death this week.
@FishHawk: How kind of you! I love the idea of a "Sunday Drive".

Molly said...

If I had nice thick hair I would definitely cut it short, but my hair is very thin so I wear wigs, be happy, cut it, it will grow back if you don't like it.

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